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  1. How to use the package in my projects?

    Refer: Getting Started

  2. How to use ths package with QtDesigner?

    Refer: Getting Started/QtDesigner

  3. How to customize the Round Progress bar?

    Refer: Examples: Round Progress Bar

  4. Package not working properly in my machine?

    Refer to: Help

  5. How can I get personal help for the package?

    I highly recommend the users to raise a new issue in the official PySide2/PyQt5extn GitHub. Another way is to head over to the PySide2extn/PyQt5extn Form fill up your concern, and we will individually look at the issue and solve it. Please add a valid email, as we may reply you directly for the concern you raised.

  6. License Agreement of the Package?

    MIT Open Source License.

  7. I have an idea for a custom widget?

    Any one with a solid idea for a Widget or any suggestion are welcomed, please go to Support page and submit a form requesting your need for the same.

  8. Can I modify the source code for additional flexibility?

    Yes, you can, but also notify the creator of this package about the same(under Support Page) as the idea my be under development.

  9. Which OS version is supported?

    The package was manually tested in different OS (Windows(7, 8, 10 2006, 10 20H2), Linux(Ubuntu 20.04)) with different Python version(3.6-3.9) and also different PySide2/PyQt5 package(5.11.0-5.15.0) all the result are given in: Getting Started/Requirements.

  10. Does this python package works only with PySide2?

    No. The documentation is fully written for the PySide2 python package, but all the methods/customization and all other things works exactly the same for the PyQt5 Python package. The only exception is that the imports should be from the PyQt5 and not from PySide2.

See: Help and Support